Hamburger and sweet potatoe fries


J’ai découvert récemment la boucherie Viande et Chef dans le 10ème, qui présente ses produits comme des bijoux dans des écrins. Ici on privilégie la qualité et non la quantité, car Benjamin Darnaud, ex candidat de Top Chef et surtout cuisinier avant tout, prend soin de choisir quelques bêtes entières et de préparer tout ce qu’il peut à partir de celles-ci. Son crédo : une agriculture éthique et durable, sans gaspillage, en collaboration avec de petits producteurs et éleveurs qui nourrissent leurs bêtes avec les récoltes de leurs fermes. J’ai testé leur kit à burger qui est très chouette : pour 9€ on repart avec son pain moelleux à souhait, un steak, une petite sauce piquante, des pickles d’oignons et du lard à faire fondre. On le cuit chez soi et on finit de l’assembler avec par exemple quelques feuilles de salade et un avocat. Pour les frites, c’est simple comme bonjour :

Les Ingrédients (pour 2 personnes)

– 1 patate douce
– une pincée de paprika
– une pincée de cumin en poudre
– une pincée de curry
– une pincée de sel, de poivre
– de l’huile d’olive
– romarin, thym,…

La Recette

  1. Epluchez la patate douce, coupez-la en tranches épaisses puis en rectangles.
  2. Préchauffez votre four à 200°C.
  3. Etalez les frites sur un papier sulfurisé, saupoudrez des épices que vous aimez, arrosez d’huile.
  4. Enfournez environ 40 minutes.



16 Haussmann

I had the honor this year to be the ambassador of the very chic 16 Haussmann restaurant of the Marriott Hotel 4* Opera. A little parenthesis of calm in the heart of the lively 9th, the restaurant and the hotel offer different services just as greedy as each other. So why do we go there ?

1. Lunch or dinner

In the kitchen, the chef makes us savor French dishes tinged with original notes as these foie gras cubes dipped in sparkling sugar which explode in the mouth, perfect to open one’s buds. His signature dish : langoustine ravioli in a shellfish soup bring an appetite. We also like the salmon gravlax and lime cream, or scallops roasted in gingerbread, a successful sweet-salty balance. Pastry chef Nicolas Renoir, a real passionate offers delicate chocolate leaves colliding with crunchy hazelnuts, a praline mousse alongside tangy mango, or a lemon-basil cream dancing on a crunchy shortbread.



 2. The cocktail bar

At the Lindbergh bar, cocktails are prepared by the Chef Barman with seasonal ingredients. One can even request a personalized cocktail, I crafted my own during a workshop and I can not wait to do it again as soon as the season for figs comes… A mix of fresh ginger, ginger ale, fresh fig and vodka, super fresh and spicy just like I love it!


3. The Tea Time

Last but not least, if you want a little afternoon snack, let’s head up to the mezzanine, where you can laze, watch the businessmen fuss around, and slouch on the sofas. You can enjoy a coffee or tea with cakes from pastry chef Nicolas Renoir. And as I am so cool, I am organizing a contest for you to win a tea time for 2 people: it’s happening on my Facebook page or on my Instagram account !


16 Haussmann

16 boulevard Haussmann

75009 Paris

Beetroot cupcakes gluten free


And that’s how we can use the arrows of love made ​​in the previous DIY ! We plant them in these little cupcakes beet that will melt your beloved ( e) . I used cooked beets but if you find raw beets is even better , cupcakes really have a beautiful red color , while with the cooked color is duller …

The Ingredients (for 10 cupcakes)

– 2 beets
– 1 organic lemon
– 2 eggs
– 60g of butter
– 2 teaspoons baking powder
– 100g chestnut flour (you can use normal flour too)
– 80g of cane sugar
– a dozen pecan nuts

for icing
– 1 organic lemon
– 40g icing sugar
– 80g cream cheese


The Recipe

1. Preheat the oven to 180 ℃
2. Beat the egg whites until stiff.
3. Mix the beets (if they are raw, peel them and cook them in water ) with lemon juice and zest.
4. Mix the sugar with the egg yolks and add the beetroot.
5. Add the flour, baking powder and pecans cut in 2.
6. Add the melted butter cooled and the eggs whites.
7. Pour into small molds and bake for 30 minutes.

Le Glaçage
1. Mix the icing sugar and lemon juice. Add the lemon zest.
2. Add the cream cheese. Beat for a few minutes with an electric mixer. Spread over cake and let sit in the fridge.

DIY – Valentine love arrows

I have lots of ideas and never have the time to do them all, but here’s a little DIY that I’ve prepared for you guys for Valentine’s Day wuh wuh! These small arrows of love are very simple to achieve, you’ll just need a few wooden skewers… Feel free to prick them wherever you like this Sunday!


1. Wrap the masking tape around the skewers and paint with several colors.
2. Once the paint has dried, remove the masking tape.
3. Cut 2 arrows ends and shapes for the tips of your arrows, and make notch.
4. Paste the pieces on the peaks and add copper wire up the arrows ends.


Rainbow bagels

After culinary inventions such as cronut, dosant and duffin, have you heard of the rainbow bagels? Well actually it’s not really a new thing because this New York shop has been manufacturing them for… 20 years! One could almost believe its an invention of Willy Wonka. These multicolored bagels obviously take a lot longer to make than ordinary ones (100 rainbows in 5 hours instead of 1000 regular) but Scott Rossillo, Bagel Store‘s owner, is a real passionate and has made ​​a good deal making them. So, how about a rainbow bagel with confetti cream cheese, anyone?

Bagel Store

349 Bedford Ave


754 Metropolitan Ave

New York

Rainbow bagel: 3,95$


Good gone bad

In her colorful photo series called Good gone bad, Vanessa McKneown uses everyday objects with a touch of humour, turning brocolis into cupcakes or cauliflower into sundaes. The young talented artist studied graphic design and communication at the Chelsea College of Arts. You can even follow her crazy adventure on Instagram.
