Baby Love

I don’t know for you , but I have a lot of friends around me who are having babies! Here is a selection of objects which are way too cute, for your friends’babies, your own babies, or even yourself…

BabyLove1. Cake stand – Engel

2. Pear musical pillow – Annabel Kern

3. Birds isothermal bag – Sass & Belle

4. Ceramic monkey plate – Kom

5. Pineapple towel – Bobo Choses

6. Fruits cookie cutter – Meri Meri

7. Apron and ustensils – Odette Wiliams


Gluten free chocolate and praline tart

I am a big fan of Michel Cluizel’s products which I discovered some time ago, especially this crazy praliné paste. The nice Kluger Factory which specializes in making pies, associated with the brand to create a delicious chocolate pie recipe. Well obviously I’m very late to tell you about it because the famous pie is no longer available, but here’s the recipe I would like to share with you (I made the dough with basic pastry I had left but here the original recipe):


For 6 tartlets

The crust

50 g chestnut flour
125g butter, soft
1 egg
40g sugar
200g rice flour
20g raw cocoa powder from Michel Cluizel

1. The day before or at least 2 hours before, prepare the dough: spreading chestnut flour on cooking paper and put in the oven at 170 ℃ for 10-15 min. It should not color. Cool it.
2. Working in robot or spatula softened butter, egg, sugar to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
3. Add rice flour, roasted chestnut flour and cocoa powder to form a dough ball.
4. Flatten then wrap in cellophane wrap and let stand at least 2 hours in the fridge.
5. Roll out the dough, prick and put into the buttered tart pans.
6. Precook in the oven at 170 ℃ for 25-30 minutes, let cool.

The chocolate ganache and praline heart

200g cream
150g black Kayambe 72% from Michel Cluizel
40g butter
60g praline paste from Michel Cluizel

1. Heat the cream and pour boiling in 3 times on mini grams of chocolate.
2. Add the butter and whisk well.
3. Pour the praline paste in small silicone molds (I did not have one so I formed balls with cellophane). Leave to set in the freezer.
4. Place the praline hearts in the bottom of each tart and color around the ganache. Leave to cool at least 1 hour.


30g gruétine
20g cocoa nibs

1. Place six small piles of well-spaced gruétine on paper, and pass them in the oven at 180 ℃ for 10 minutes.
2. Remove from the oven and let cool.
3. Place on one half of each tartlet, the other part you can decorate with organic cocoa nibs.
4. Serve chilled or at room temperature.

Fabrique Kluger
11 rue Trousseau
75011 Paris

Petites manufactures Cluizel
201 rue St Honoré 75001 Paris / 3 rue Tronchet 75008 Paris / 2 rue des Rosiers 75004 Paris / 10 rue Madeleine Michelis 92200 Neuilly sur Seine

East Mamma

He who has not heard of the restaurant East Mamma lives probably reclusive like a hermit at the bottom-end of the catacombs. Even before its opening, the buzz was already huge, and now – several months later – the place is always packed. To grab a table at East Mamma, you must get up early. I took me 5 times before succeeding! At the little sister Obermamma in Oberkampf, same story. Well, you should ask, but why these two restaurants are full every afternoon and evening (even at 7pm!)? Well, for these 5 simple reasons:

The service

Although the team is (almost) 100% Italian, the service itself is the American way: impeccable hospitality, ciao ciao here and there, a glass of water once served and the carafe filled, a tap on the shoulder and a complacent chat, it is the service that is lacking in a cold and marmoreal Paris that I cursed so much. And that my friend, feels good.

The products

Arrivals every week from Italy, the products are absolutely perfect and come directly from the producers: the smoked stracciatella is creamy to perfection, the pasta is fresh and homemade everyday with organic wheat semolina, one pizza can feed a family of 7, the coffee is brewed the Neapolitan way, the wine is “nature”, and tutti quanti.

The chefs

Driven by la mamma, Stella Di Viesto, with her recipes of yesteryear, the young Neapolitan chef Ciro Cristiano frives his team, formed in the family kitchen in Corso San Giovanni. At his side and behind the wood oven, his cousin Pasquale Giordano makes pizzas dance since he was 12 years old. With Brooklyn caps on their head, their busy team fuss around, run, sweat and twirl pizzas in the air or simmer pasta.

The deco

Tigranes Seydoux and Victor Lugger, at the origin of the Big Mamma project, gambled on the English designer Martin Brudnizki (Jamie Oliver’s restaurants), and they were right. Green marble countertops under an industrial glass roof, open kitchens where you can see a monumental wood oven, quirky and mastered graphics on menus, retro wall lamps on the aged wooden walls, flowery tableware and copper pots, in short, a good mix to feel good.

The prices

In Italy, you eat well everywhere, even on a motorway service area or in a shabby cafe. The pizzas do not exceed a few euros and here, it’s the same, the price positioning of a typical trattoria: from 12-15 euros for pasta and 9-15 euros for (huge) pizzas. And my favorite part: the killer aperitivo served with an pple basil spritz cocktail in the evening!

And that is why we are going there and we want to go back every week! Mamma Mia!



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London Calling

After the very successful collabs with Olympia Le Tan or Kitsuné, Pierre Marcolini is back with Tom Dixon signing a chic Londonian box. Declined in 36 chocolates or 12 e macaroons, this colorful-with-a-touch-of-bling lego brick will be sold in a limited edition from 1 September in the Belgian chocolate maker’s boutiques.

Price: 29,90£ / 45£

Where: on the website or in the shops



Beetroot cold soup – Chłodnik


This recipe is a variation of the typical Polish bortsch, called Chłodnik. This is a kind of gazpacho that you can enjoy in summer for example. It is much faster to do than the typical borscht! It can be accompanied by boiled eggs, fresh dill, radishes, and sour cream. The pretty plates are from Jars – that’s the Plume collection – which I already told you about here.

This is a version I completely improvised, feel free to send me your typical Polish recipes if you have some! Chlodnik is normally constituted of fermented milk which I replaced by liquid light cream.

The Ingredients (for 2 large bowls)

– 1 raw beetroot
– a celery stalk with leaves
– 1 clove garlic
– 1 stock cube
– 1 teaspoon ground cumin
– some coriander seeds
– fresh dill
– 1 lemon
– a tablespoon of olive oil
– salt pepper
– 1 or 2 eggs

The Recipe

1. Peel the beetroot, cut into pieces.
2. In a large saucepan, place beets, peeled garlic clove,  celery, stock cube and cover with water.
3. Bring to a boil and cook over medium heat until the beetroot is cooked.
4. Mix the vegetables. Add the olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
5. Serve with boiled eggs and fresh dill. If the taste is too strong for you, you can add 10cl of liquid cream to soften.


Some time ago, I was invited to discover Kialatok cooking classes, where one can discover world cuisines and cultures, from Brazil to China or the Ivory Coast. During the workshop, you can lear to cook for example Chinese New Year specialties like dim sums, these famous ravioli stuffed with shrimp and bamboo shoots, or pork, leek and ginger, a real treat. You can also get familiar with the main products of Chinese cuisine, or also perfect yourself with the ravioli folding technique, which is not the most easy to master! The workshops are led by passionate cooks from different cultures, such as Margot Zhang, author of the blog of a Recettes d’une Chinoise. A true gastronomic journey in Paris!

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How much : from 44 to 69 euros
How long : about 3 hours
When : The calendar is availables on Kialatok
Where :
74 Rue Philippe de Girard
75018 Paris