Fig smoothie


The Ingredients
– 1 white peach
– 3 figs
– 5 strawberries
– a few drops of fresh lemon juice

The Recipe
1. Take off the peach and figs skin off.
2. Mix all the ingredients in a blender and voilà!

Dried prunes smoothie bowl


I created this recipe smoothie bowl for the Pruneau d’Agen. You probably already know that dried prunes are an excellent source of fiber, but it is also filled with antioxidants , minerals and vitamins !

Ingredients (for 1 bowl)
smoothie base
– 1 banana
– 6 strawberries
– 1/4 glass of prune juice
– 2 or 3 dried prunes

for decoration
– seasonal fruits (blueberries, raspberries, …)
– coconut shavings
– grains and seeds (roasted buckwheat, chia seeds, roasted squash seeds, granola,…)

The Recipe

1. Mix all fruits with prune juice. You can even previously put bananas in the freezer for a very creamy and iced texture!

2. In a bowl, place the smoothie, and decorate with fruits and seeds as you wish.

According to the prune juice that you find you can put in more or less prunes. Some juices are very dense and strong in taste so just add little or no prunes at all, depends on your taste!
Dried prunes go well with many other fruits too, if you want to do other smoothie base (pear, peach, fig, kiwi, berries, …)

Contest: Win a Moutet tablecloth!

14242399_1238322866187133_2646601778455775673_oVous connaissez la jolie marque Moutet? Créée au début des années 1900 dans le sud-ouest de la France, cette entreprise fait partie aujourd’hui des derniers tisseurs de Jacquard français (il n’en reste plus que 3!). Moutet célèbre aujourd’hui la créativité et le savoir-faire lors d’un pop-up parisien en collaborant avec le photographe Grégoire Kalt, qui s’est inspiré de la dernière collection moderne et colorée.

Tout ça pour vous dire qu’on vous gâte pour la rentrée, et qu’on vous fait gagner une sublime nappe de la nouvelle collection, d’une valeur d’environ 200€. Vous pouvez jouer sur FacebookTwitterInstagram, et même ici sous ce post, en répondant au commentaire suivant :

> Quel dîner allez-vous préparer si vous gagnez cette nappe?

Pop Up Store
9-17 septembre
58 rue des Tournelles
75003 Paris

MOUTET Tablier Archive__credit Gregoire KaltMOUTET Torchon Bière_credit Gregoire KaltMOUTET Torchon Origami_credit Gregoire Kalt

©Grégoire Kalt


Japanese eggplant salad

Native from China but very popular in Japan, this salad is simply called “Mushi-nasu no goma-abura-shoyu”, and can be eaten hot or cold.

SaladeAubergines-About-FooodThe Ingredients
– 2 eggplants (organic is better!)
– 4 tablespoons soy sauce
– 1.5 tablespoons rice vinegar
– 2 tablespoons sugar
– 1 tablespoon sesame oil
– a little bit of chopped garlic
– a piece of finely chopped ginger
– you can also add some raw chopped leek

The Recipe

1. Cut the eggplants lengthwise into 6 pieces and remove the ends. Incise slightly the skin.
2. Steam them for about 10 minutes. Once cooked, cut them into pieces.
3. In a bowl, mix the ingredients to make the sauce, then add the eggplant and stir.


It’s summer and you’re probably far away somewhere, relaxing during your holidays. I don’t have any myself so I am finding myself dreaming about bright colors, overpowering heat, desert beaches, white sand, exotic mojitos and wicker baskets. I am dreaming of remote lands like Mexico, do you want to join? It is the occasion to tell you about this beautiful book of Mexican recipes and this gorgeous site on which I just want to buy everything. You can also find all my Mexican inspirations on my Pinterest board…Dream on dream on…


1. Basket – Mango

2. Recipe book – Phaidon

3. Vases from Marie Michielsen – La Redoute

4. Gold skeleton poster – Etsy

5. Plate – Anthropologie

6. Pillow case – Zazzle

7. Rug – Pi Project





Stuffed eggplant with crispy rice

Ever wondered what you should do with your leftover rice? I got something for you! And it’s easy like 123.

The Ingredients

– 1 eggplant
– rice leftovers
– some rucola
– some olive oil
– a few dices of feta cheese
– a dozen pine nuts
– a pinch of sumac (brought some organic amazing one from Beirut)
– a pinch of cumin

The Recipe

1. Cut the eggplant in half, and cut diamonds shapes on top.
2. Place the rice on top by packing it well, add the diced feta and pine nuts. Sprinkle with cumin and sumac.
3. Add salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil. I also used a product that is really nice, I love spraying it on all my vegetables in the oven, it’s the Fumi Natural Umami.
4. Bake in your preheated oven 200℃ for about 40 minutes.
5. Once the eggplant is fondant, cook for another 10 minutes in grill mode.
6. Enjoy with some rucola salad.
