Spicy basil saffron clams



I love clams ! They can be cooked in so many ways, and don’t cost very much. I used the cooker calle Revolution from the brand Revol that I mentioned here . What’s great with this ceramic casserole is that it can adapt to all fires (gas, induction, electric), and is much lighter than a cast iron pot. In addition it’s super pretty and comes in several colors and sizes ! What to know for induction is that you must first place a little bit of water in it, and heat it slowly to avoid thermal shock. You can then remove the water and start cooking!

The Ingredients

– 800g of clams
– some fresh basil
– 1 glass of white wine
– 1 hot red pepper
– 1 dose of powder saffron
– 1 oignon
– 1 garlic clove
– 1 piece of butter

The Recipe

  1. Cook the sliced oignon with the crushed garlic and butter.
  2. Add the clams, the pepper, wine and saffran.
  3. Let it simmer until the clams open (it is pretty quick), and serve with the fresh basil.


The prettiest Advent Calendars 2015

I guess you have already rushed to buy your advent calendars, but if this is not the case, it’s never too late! Here is my selection of the finest gourmet calendars this year !
For Parisians

We can not resist its graphic design ! This calendar is filled with tasty surprises: tea, confectionery, biscuits, chocolates,…

Where: La Maison Plisson , 93 bd Beaumarchais, 75003 Paris
How much: € 25


For pastry amateurs

Philippe Conticini treats us well with this ​​lovely advent calendar filled with sweets…

Where : La Patisserie des Rêves
How much : unfortunately out of stock for the moment!


For the sweet tooth

The illustrator Hélène Druvert imagined a Swedish tale for this poetic Mazet calendar, hiding fruit jellies, chocolates, candies and pralines !

Where : in Mazet boutiques
How much : 19,90 €


For the ice cream lovers

Haagen- Dazs has partnered with Italian designer Paola Navone – whom I love – to create that great iced calendar. A crispy puffed rice biscuit coated with chocolate, a Vanilla and Dark Chocolate & Almonds ice cream, with almond coated with a caramel sauce with salted butter and tonka bean. Just that.

Where : in Häagen-Dazs boutiques from November 15th until January 15th
How much : 59 € for 12 persons


For gin aficionados

The pretty Ginvent calendar contains 24 vials of 30ml of different gins. To be enjoyed with moderation!

Where : Gin Foundry
How much : 115£


For tea passionates

At Fortnum & Mason they don’t do things by half. And when Christmas comes, we know that the anglosawons take things seriously! This wooden calendar is hand decorated and contains a selection of rare teas from India and Asia.

Where : Fortnum & Mason
How much : 125£


For chocolate specialists

I went to the Chocolate Factory from Alain Ducasse this weekend, and I must confess that this shop is sublime and the packaging are so beautiful that I almost bought everything even though I am not a fan of chocolate! This calendar is just as nice.

Where : on the website Alain Ducasse or at the boutique 40 Rue de la Roquette 75011 Paris
How much : 40€


Dandelion salad

Dandelions… I love it because it really reminds me of my childhood, when I was picking them in the wild and we were eating this salad – extremely simple – just getting back from our ballad. Also known as dog lettuce, dandelion can be harvested all year if cooked (cake, soup, …), and after the winter (January-April) to be eaten raw in salads. The flowers which bloom from April to September are also edible, they can be prepared into an omelette or in desserts, in a jam or honey dandelion called cramaillotte. And finally, the roots are used to make a drink that tastes like chicory. You can also make a tea with the leaves, highly diuretic, which removes toxins and acts on cellulite! The advantages of this wild plant are lot of vitamins, proteins and minerals.

The bowl comes from the lovely collection Arborescence from Revol brand. The prints of woodcuts in the ceramic reminded me of those woodland walks… I’ll introduce you to other products of this brand very soon!


– 750g dandelions
– 200g bacon
– dried bread
– hazelnut oil
– 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
– 1 teaspoon mustard

The Recipe

1. Wash vigorously the salad, cut the roots.
2. Grill the bacon and your bread croutons.
3. Mix the mustard with balsamic vinegar, then add slowly the hazelnut oil. Mix well .
4. You can also add a poached egg and some roasted nuts on top.



A free meal by Pierre Sang Boyer

Je voulais vous parler d’un sujet qui me tient particulièrement à coeur et qui n’est malheureusement pas au coeur de nos préoccupations premières…Le dérèglement climatique lié entre autre à la pollution risque d’entraîner d’énormes dégâts comme la disparition du café et du chocolat (oui, j’ai bien dit chocolat!) en 2080…Non seulement c’est un drame pour nos papilles mais aussi pour des populations entières qui vivent de ces productions. Le CCFD-Terre Solidaire lance une campagne de sensibilisation à ce sujet dans le cadre du COP21, et tout est très bien expliqué dans cette petite vidéo :

Bon et je vous vois venir et c’est là que cela va sûrement vous intéresser, pour l’occasion, Pierre-Sang Boyer – chef talentueux engagé pour une consommation plus responsable – va offrir un “petit déjeuner menacé” dans un foodtruck installé sur le parvis du MK2 Bibliothèque, en collaboration avec les magasins bio et écologiques les Nouveaux Robinson, demain mardi 24 novembre.

Petit déjeuner CCFD

Parvis du MK2 Bibliothèque

128-162 Avenue de France

75013 Paris

de 8h30 à 20h



RoseDifficult to break the silence, complicated to take my pen again after these last few days of nightmare. Lost my appetite, lost my envy of cooking, the strength to write.

I live a few meters from La Belle Equipe, my closest friends work in the building adjoining La Bonne Bière where they drink coffee every day, I eat at Le Petit Cambodge all the time, always hesitating between a bobun and its crispy spring rolls, or fragrant soup, and then we have fun drawing our order to be on the wall of fame, and then the Carillon, this old bar where we celebrates all of our birthdays and innocently pour our beers everywhere. And then my mates, music fans, rock fans, who would have perhaps dragged us to the Bataclan that night. That night, we could have been in any of those places. We were a few meters away. The thousand messages from distraught relatives. The madness of the sirens. The endless wait. Anxiety, fear, of dying or losing a friend. Running to seek refuge, startle at the approach of a car. The terror that I experienced that night is yet immeasurably tiny compared to the one experienced by the victims, witnesses, the injured, the survivors and their loved ones, their families, and the trauma that they’re going to have to deal with probably forever.

I know these words are imbued with great sadness and are probably clumsy, but I was struggling to get on the blog as if nothing had happened, because everything happened touches me deeply and we are all touched our way. But optimism must regain the upper hand. I want to send you words full of love and hope, make you big hugs, prepare you comfort food, and then we have to go back to smile, laugh, drink, dance, live, but not forget. And stand stronger than ever, together.

Love. Peace. Bravery.

Ikea in the center of Paris!

Are you crazy about Ikea’s food products but you too lazy to go (very) far just to buy that famous box of KAKOR CHOKLADFLARN oatmeal and chocolate cookies? Thus rush tomorrow to the MUMS pop up store  which means yummy in Swedish) which will be only opened this weekend in the heart of Paris ! You’ll find all sorts of food, from organic salmon and gravlax sauce, to Swedish bread, and even their new iced teas, a variety of products suspended in their iconic blue woven bags or stored in baskets !

Saturday 14th + Sunday 15th November
16 rue Saint Merri
75004 Paris
