© Simples Bites
Did you know that it was possible to grow your vegetables endlessly, at home, without a garden nor a balcony ? You just need…a little bit of water! I did the experiment during lockdown, and within days my salads were already growing at breakneck speed, it was fascinating to watch!
Here are 10 vegetables to grow at home:
1. Lettuce
Keep the core of your salad and place it in a bowl of water, in the sun. After a few days you will see leaves appear! After a few weeks, you can taste them or repot them. I tested with different kinds of salads, it works well!

© About Foood
2. Celery
Same principle, just keep the bulb at the bottom of the plant, and place it in a cup of water. You can repot after a few weeks.
3. Chinese cabbage and pak choy
It grows back easily if you keep its heart in a bowl of water, with exposure to the sun.
4. Leeks
Collect the end of the leek and put it in a bowl of water. Once the roots are more than 5cm, repot it in a pot of soil.

© About Foood
5. Carrots
Collect the tip of your carrot and place it in the water, then repot once the shoots appear. Wait until it grows up well before tasting it! It also works with beets.

© Kaoshino
6. Oignon
They are the fastest to grow back! Just put the tips of the stems in a glass of water with the roots facing down. You can also cut a yellow or red onion in half and use the lower part in water, you will even see several stems appear.
© A piece of rainbow
7. Garlic
Plant your garlic cloves in a pot and water regularly. After several weeks you will see a shoot appear. Be patient, as the garlic will take several months to fully mature.
© A piece of rainbow
8. Ginger and curcuma
To give roots a second life, repot them in a pot. Water regularly, and be patient, the growth takes a few months! I managed to grow my ginger after a few months, I was so happy :-)
9. Lemongrass
Just grab a piece of a branch and place it in a glass of water well exposed to the sun. It can reach up to 30cm! You can also easily regrow most aromatic herbs such as coriander, basil, parsley, thyme … the roots will grow in a glass of water.

© Garden Betty
10. Fennel
Keep the core of the fennel bulb and place it in water, in the sun. Once the shoots appear, plant it!
© About Foood
Remember to change the water every day! So, are you tempted to give it a try?
J’adore l’idée. Petit potager intérieur ! Il me faudra faire un peu de place mais pourquoi pas !
wow c’est beau !