– 100g of corn flour
– 100 of rice flour
– 90g salted butter (soft, not melted)
– 1 egg
– some branches of kale
– about 200g of fresh peas (or frozen if you can’t find any)
– 100g of ricotta
– 100g of feta
– 1/2 lemon
– olive oil
1. Beat the egg, then add the flour. Add the softened butter in small pieces.
2. Mix well, form a ball.
3. Roll out the dough on baking paper.
4. In a buttered and floured mold, place the dough. Make holes with a fork.
5. Mix the ricotta and the crushed feta. Place on the dough.
5. Add the kale cut into small pieces (without the central stem) and the peas, then sprinkle with a good drizzle of olive oil and lemon juice. Add salt and pepper.
6. Bake for about 30 minutes at 180 ° C.