Mouaahahah, le 31 octobre, vous risquerez peut-être de fêter Halloween, cet évènement d’origine celtique célébré principalement dans les pays anglo-saxons. Vous saviez qu’en France, on a un équivalent lorrain qui s’appelle la Rommelbootzennaat, on l’on sculpte non pas des citrouilles grimaçantes mais des betteraves?
Boo! The 31st of October, you’ll probably be celebrating Halloween! All Hallows’ Eve was originally influenced by western European harvest festivals and festivals of the dead with pagan roots, and particularly the Celtic Samhain. Did you know that in France, we also have a similar holiday called Rommelbootzennaat where children decorate bettroots instead of pumpkins?
1. Bougie / Candle ✝ Little Joseph
2. Pochoirs / Stencils ✝ Crate & Barrel
3. Sucette / Lollipop ✝ Crate & Barrel
4. Squelette / Skull ✝ Urban Outfitters
5. Set de table / Placemat ✝ Anthropologie