Si vous avez l’occasion de passer par Milan avant le 14 septembre, n’oubliez pas d’aller faire un tour à la boutique Fornasetti, dans laquelle est organisée une exposition d’archives de la maison des années 1950 et 1960, de maquettes en papier, et d’assiettes inédites.
Piero Fornasetti était un peintre, sculpteur, graveur de livres et décorateur milanais du XXème siècle. Inspiré par sa muse la chanteuse d’opéra Lina Cavalieri, il a développé un langage esthétique unique et reconnaissable, un monde onirique et fantaisiste, créant plus de 11 000 produits.
Fornasetti Store Milano
Corso G. Matteotti 1/A
20121 Milan
Corso G. Matteotti 1/A
20121 Milan
If you have the opportunity to go through Milan before September 14th, do not forget to make a trip to the Fornasetti shop, where an exhibition is organized with archives of the 1950’s and 1960s’, paper and colour models, and unpublished plates.
Piero Fornasetti was a painter, sculptor, engraver of books and Milanese designer of the twentieth century. Inspired by his muse, the opera singer Lina Cavalieri, he developed a unique and recognizable aesthetic language, a dreamlike fantasy world, creating more than 11,000 products.
Piero Fornasetti was a painter, sculptor, engraver of books and Milanese designer of the twentieth century. Inspired by his muse, the opera singer Lina Cavalieri, he developed a unique and recognizable aesthetic language, a dreamlike fantasy world, creating more than 11,000 products.