Haagen-Dazs retro tennis balls

Did you know that the tennis balls were always white? They changed to a fluorescent yellow in the 1970s only to be more visible on TV! On the occasion of Roland Garros, and to pay tribute to the heyday of tennis players of the seventies, Häagen-Dazs created those Retro Balls, an original dessert made of a yuzu heart, macaron shell, coated with a Yuzu Citrus ice Cream & Cream and white chocolate.

How much: 10 € set of 3 balls

Where: in exclusivity in the shop on 49-51 avenue des Champs Elysees, 75008 Paris

When: from May 19 to June 7, 2015

Les Balles Rétro by Häagen-Dazs 1Les Balles Rétro by Häagen-Dazs 2Les Balles Rétro by Häagen-Dazs 3


Blood orange crème brûlée


I love blood oranges, their delicate flavor and especially their beautiful color! The season for these oranges runs from December to March. Here is a cream brulee recipe that is very simple and refreshing with citrus fruit pieces hidden inside.

The Ingredients (for 8 persons)

– 50 cl cream
– 80g sugar
– 6 egg yolks
– 1 vanilla pod
– 1 blood orange
– a few tablespoons of brown sugar to caramelize

The Recipe

1. Preheat oven to 160 ° C.
2. Split the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the seeds into the cream.
3. Heat over low heat with the whole pods and let it infuse.
4. Beat the egg yolks with sugar, then pour the cream over (without pods) while continuing to mix.
5. Cut blood orange into thin slices that you will place at the bottom of each ramekin.
6. Cover with the cream and bake in the oven in a water bath (bain-marie) for 30 to 45 minutes, the cream should be firm and not liquid.
7. Remove from oven, let cool then put the cream in the fridge at least 4 hours. If you do not have much time you can add 3 gelatin sheets  at stage 3 that will set the cream faster.
8. Pour a layer of brown sugar on top and caramelize with a cooking torch.


I am always looking for the best brunch in Paris, and I think I just found it. Of course I have not tested them all, nor those in the Parisian palaces which are supposed to be pretty amazing, but every Sunday I wake up with this desire that surreptitiously invades me: to find myself in a pleasant and bright place, lazing for hours drinking a good warm tea and enjoying not mundane pastries and an industrial orange juice, but dishes that revive my taste buds. For me, my favorite breakfast is the English one, hollandaise poached eggs or scrambled eggs, grilled sausage and scones make my heart go boom. Well, nothing like that at Liberty, the second address from pastry chef Benoît Castel, but here instead you’ll find generous buffets which made it become my preferred address for Sunday brunch. For a start, the service is perfect, welcoming, smiling and caring, the team is always ready to refill your glass with a fresh smoothie, or to fetch you a missing food that you eyed in your neighbor’s plate. Savory side, you can enjoy salads (carrot-beet or coleslaw), roast lamb, delicatessen, cheeses, quiches and pizzas ; and on the sweet side one, you can rush to the granola – 3 times – or pancakes, baby donuts and homemade cakes. There are also fresh breads and viennoiseries (which we didn’t see unfortunately at 14:00, shortly before closing). What the place offers as well, and that I appreciate even more because it is rare to find in restaurants and cafes in France, and differentiates completely from the English culture, is that you can stay sitted discussing or working for a long time without them pressuring you to to leave or pay… True happiness has a price, 27 euros, but for an unlimited buffet with this quality, it is quite unbeatable. And if you still hungry – which is unlikely – you can also leave with pastries for tea, just as delicious as the lemon pie (3.50 €).

150 rue de Ménilmontant
75020 Paris

Unlimited buffet: 27€
Breafkast (tea/coffee, smoothie, bread with jam and viennoiseries): 9,90€
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The Peugeot foodtruck


Capture d’écran 2015-04-13 à 23.31.14mullet, black radish, raspberry

Capture d’écran 2015-04-13 à 23.31.22chef Sven Chartier

I discovered a few days ago in avant premiere the new project of Peugeot Design Lab: a foodtruck baptized Bistrot du Lion. The gastronomic adventure of the brand started more than two centuries ago, with the pepper mill whose mechanism is guaranteed for life or the coffee mill designed in 1840. It is therefore not a coincidence if the creative studio of the French car brand has lean towards the concept of a foodtruck, a nomad and mobile object, which turns into a real restaurant area: the truck can deploy itself and not only has a kitchen area (induction, grill , fryer) but also all the equipment to allow customers to eat around it (umbrellas, cutlery, …), but also a powerful sound system to accommodate a DJ, and even a large screen that transcribes live talent from talented Sven Chartier, guest for the occasion, chef of Saturne and the Clown Bar in Paris.

The foodtruck will head on April 14 in Milan for the furniture fair, and then join the French Pavilion at the Milan World Expo, whose theme this year is “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”.


Pierre Marcolini x Kitsuné


Pierre Marcolini had already combined his talents with fashion designer Olympia Le Tan, he returns this time with this object of absolute cuteness signed with music and fashion label Kitsuné with their emblem the fox. The Franco-Japanese duo and the Belgian chocolate maker were inspired by bentos to create those adorable boxes, displaying either chocolates or macaroons. These boxes will be available exclusively at Colette until April 22.

From 31 to 41 €