Tea Calendar

Hälssen and Lyon, a German tea factory, worked with design agency Kolle Rebe, to create this amazing calendar made of tea leafs. It was produced in a limited series but might soon be manufactured on a larger scale.

100% chocolat

Pâques approche, et si votre coeur balance entre des oeufs ou des tablettes, voici une jolie sélection qui saura ravir toutes les papilles et porte-monnaie!
Easter is coming, and if your heart is torn between eggs or chocolate bars, here is a nice selection that will delight every palate and wallet!

1. Oeuf fleuri Mini Labo + Mazet / de 6,90 à 17,50 euros
2. L’oeuf Pâques…rette, Chistophe Roussel /38 euros 
3. Hommage à l’artiste suisse Beat Zoderer, Pierre Hermé / l’art a un prix : 210 euros (édition limitée à 15 exemplaires)
4. Oeuf tourné, Alain Ducasse / 18€ et 45€ les oeufs,  60€ la cloche 

5. Oeuf Paon, Fauchon / 35 euros ou 795 euros pour l’oeuf de 60cm
6. La Cigogne et le Renard, Hugo et Victor /80 euros

7. Chocolat au lait au sel marin – Sea salt and milk chocolate, Rococo
8. Chocolat noir Bâ Ria 76%, Marou
9. Mon canard à croquer, Comtesse du Barry
10. Chocolat noir Java 75%, Alain Ducasse 
11. Chocolat noir aux noix – Hickoree nuts, Mast Brothers
12. Chocolat 73%, Amelia Rope

Moscow Mule cocktail

This cocktail is delicious and always a great success! I couldn’t find ginger ale in Paris (if you have addresses, tell me!) so I made a ginger ale myself.
For 2 jars of approximately 3.5 L each: 
– 170g of fresh ginger 
– 4 lemons 
– 150g of sugar 
– 2L of vodka 
– 2L lemonade 
– 1 cucumber 
  1. Peel the ginger, cut it and crush it in a mortar to make a paste. 
  2. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over it in a bowl and let it marinate for 2 hours. 
  3. Pass the juice in a strainer and press the ginger.
  4. Add 50cl of cold water, the juice of one lemon, sugar, mix well, and place in the fridge. 
  5. Add the vodka, juice of 2 lemons, lemonade. Stir well, then add the cucumber, cut into slices, and the last lemon cut into slices.

Hotel Il Pellicano

Le célèbre photographe Juergen Teller a réalisé les photos d’un (deuxième) livre pour l’Hotel Il Pellicano, restaurant réputé de Toscane. Connu principalement pour ses clichés crus pris au flash dans le monde de la mode, Teller pose cette fois son regard extravagant sur les créations et recettes du chef étoilé Antonio Guida, et révolutionne la photographie culinaire avec son approche brute et originale.
Renowned photographer Juergen Teller photographed the second volume for the Hotel Il Pellicano. Known primarily for its raw photos taken with flash in the fashion world, Teller sets this time his extravagant look at the creations and recipes of chef Antonio Guida, revolutionizing food photography with its crude and original approach.

Montbeliard sausage filled squids

I was invited as part of the agricultural show to a dinner by chef Giuseppe Morabito, with the chain production of Montbéliard and Morteau sausages (typical French smoked sausages). I left with my hands full ! I decided to cook the Morteau sausage in a pot-au-feu, and I wanted to try an original dish with the Montbéliard sausage. I totally improvised and I’m pretty happy with the result, the stuffing was delicious, the grilled sausage married perfectly with the artichoke puree . The only downside is that the sausage is very salty, so be careful to balance the dish! Arm yourself with patience, however, I spent at least two hours cooking!

The Ingredients (for 2 plates)

– 8 medium squids
– 1 Montbéliard sausage
– tomato sauce
– 1 cauliflower
– 5 artichoke hearts
– 1 large vitelotte (purple potato)
– 1 onion
– 1 clove of garlic
– cumin powder
– chilli powder
– sage (fresh or dried)
– 1 teaspoon of soy sauce

The Recipe

the squid

  1. Remove the head of the squid with its bowels. If the head stands alone, you can always drain the squid by pushing it.
  2. Remove the bone gently pulling. If it breaks, also remove the other piece to the bottom.
  3. Detach the two fins and pull the skin out.
  4. Turn the bag inside out to be sure it is well emptied.
  5. On the heads, cut the tentacles just after the eyes, and remove the round and hard nodule, and the longest tentacle.
  6. Rinse with clear water. You can also grab the ink bag for a risotto or pasta , which is in the middle of the belly.

the filling

  1. Brown the sausage in a frying pan (without stitching).
  2. Cut it in half. Cut one part into small pieces.
  3. Put it into the saucepan with the onion, garlic, sage, cumin, tomato sauce, chili, soy sauce, and pepper (no salt !).
  4. Reduce it in a mixer. Stuff the squid with it.

the purée

  1. Cook the vitelotte in salted water. Cook the artichoke hearts (I had them frozen ) 10 minutes in the same water.
  2. Mash them together, with a little bit of the water and some butter.

the sausage

  1. Cut the other half of the sausage into thin slices.
  2. Sauté in a pan until they are crispy.

the end

  1. Fry the squid in the sausage fat for 10 minutes, turn them around.
  2. Mount the puree on the plate with the grilled sausages, squids and the cauliflower cut very finely.